მიმდინარეობს საიტის განახლება

The future of Georgia lies in Europe

The draft law, where we read that if an organization receives a certain amount of funding from foreign donors as income it is considered to be carrying othe interests of a foreign power, is unacceptable.

It should be noted that, including with the support of partner organizations, we restored thousands of illegally dismissed people to their positions. As you know, hiring qualified lawyers is a great luxury and our citizens have not been charged a dime in the process. We have provided even more workers with information on their labour rights, womens rights, other social and economic rights.

It was with the support of donor organizations that changes were introduced into the labour legislation at all stages, and a labour legislation executive institution was established in the form of the Labour Inspection Service. This happened when people were dying massively at workplaces due to the lack of safety standards, which is clearly demonstrated by the statistics. An alternative version of the pension legislation was developed, and several key for the pensioners’ commponents from the above-mentioned alternative version were taken into account in the current pension law.

The support of foreign donors is important for trade unions to develop research, legislative initiatives, awareness raising campaigns. This process is continious. Each of these actions serves only the interest of our citizens.

This is an incomplete list of the activities that the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC) has implemented in the country with the help of foreign donors. The goal and starting point have always been and are the citizens of Georgia.

The European integration is the unwavering will of the citizens of our country, which is confirmed by the Article 78 of the Constitution of Georgia. The future of the Georgian people is only European.