მიმდინარეობს საიტის განახლება

Financial sanctions imposed on the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for dismissing a pregnant woman

The Tbilisi City Court imposed an obligation on the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry to reinstate Nino Shengelia to work. Also,  the  court ordered the Georgian Chamber to pay compensation for idle time through the fault of an employer in the amount of 1900 GEL per month , that today amounts to 22 800 GEL. Nino Shengelia was on maternity leave and pregnant with the second child at the same time when in January 2016 the employer informed her that she was not to return to work as her contract expired on October 25th of the previous year, i.e. at the time when she was still on maternity leave. The Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC) was able to prove in court that her contract was an open-end and not a fix-term contract, and thus, the case was successfully won. The court session was held on December 27th, 2016. The above-mentioned legal assistance has been provided to Nino Shengelia in the framework of the East West Management Institute (EWMI) and the USAID supported project – “Promotion of women’s labor rights through strategic mitigation”.