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Discussions on importance of the Decent Work Country Program with organization of the GTUC and the International Labour Organization

Discussions organized by the GTUC and the International Labour Organization on importance of the Decent Work Country Program are under way with participation of trade union leaders of fourteen countries.

A large part of the conference time was devoted to the discussion of country examples and importance of the involvement of trade unions in the process of creating new jobs – how to implement the International Labour Organization conventions and obligations to address labour market challenges.

Magnus Berge, representative of the International LabourOrganization (ILO) spoke about activities and role of the ILO. He explained importance of the concept of social dialogue, tripartite social partnership commission, ratification of conventions.

The conference was opened by the President of the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC). Irakli Petriashvili notedcontribution of the International Labour Organization in social protection and labour relations work. He focused on the importance to fully implement social dialogue, tripartite partnership, safe labour standards, relevant conventions in accordance with the international standards as the main basis of the countrys development. He once again confirmed the readiness of the GTUC to protect and strengthen workers rights.

At the initiative of Irakli Petriashvili, the participants of the seminar expressed their solidarity with the striking employees of Evolution Gaming in Tbilisi with a joint photo and wished the workers victory in this struggle!

The Decent Work Country Program covers regulation of such important issues as: wage policy, freedom of association and collective bargaining, women labour, child labour, forced labour, discrimination, health and safety at workplaces, etc.