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Georgian Trade Union Confederation (GTUC)
Action Plan   2017-2021

Since 2012, due to the amendments to the Labour Code of Georgia, better conditions for development of the trade union movement were created.

However, existing progress still requires significant changes in terms of social policy and labour legislation, such as – intensification of active or passive policies of employment; adoption of Laws on minimal salaries and unemployment compensation; promotion and defence of women’s labour rights; promotion of the employment of young generation and adoption of legislation for protection of the labour rights; elimination of discrimination on trade union grounds; authorizing labour inspection to carry out effecient measures; adoption and realization of socially acceptable pension reform based on the  principle of solidarity.

Activation of social partnership at the greatest possible degree shall be especially significant. In this respect importance of the Tripartite Committee on Social Partnership shall be considered to the maximum extent possible. Tripartite Committee has been recently established and is not yet fully functional.

Georgian Trade Union Confederation (GTUC) highlights significance of establishing the internationally recognized labour and social standards, contributing coherently to the achievement of gender equality and engagement of young generation in trade union movement, civil and employment improvements which will facilitate building of a better future and family welfare.

GTUC aims to increase number of its affiliated members by 10% in forthcoming 4 years and defines the following activity priorities therefore:

Organizational Strengthening

Aiming to ensure full advantage of the rights granted by legislation and assist diverse profile trade unions, it is important to strengthen sectorial units and structures within GTUC, namely through implementing of the following activities:


With the aim to strengthen trade union organizations, GTUC shall activate work on ‘’organizing’’ through supporting various profile organizations to reveal new ‘’organizers’’ and regularly expand qualification of current ones. Target rate of the increased number of affiliated members will increase up to 10% over the next 4 years.

Social, Tax and Employment Policy


  1. Increase of minimal salaries in private sector
  2. Number of draft provisions proposed by GTUC and incorporated in pension reform
  3. Number of workers within the employment policy recruited upon consideration of GTUC proposals
  4. Discussion on implementation and application of unemployment benefits/allowances with social partners
  5. Defined tax/social privileges for miners
  6. Reduction of youth unemployment.

Continuous Reform of Labour Legislation


  1. Number of successful labour-related cases won in the courts within the total number of law-sues.
  2. Improvement of the rights of women, youth and persons with disabilities.
  3. Number of international agreements on labour-related issues ratified by Georgia.

Ensuring Labour Safety


  1. Improve the Charter on ‘’Labour Inspection’’, empower this body with the right to impose the sanctions;
  2. Prevention and decrease of a number of fatal accidents at the workplace.

Youth Policy

With the aim to strengthen Youth Committee of GTUC and facilitate effective implementation of major activities in general, the priority areas for the forthcoming four years shall be:


Achievement of Gender Equality; Women’s Rights

Child Labour

International Relations  

Aiming to secure adoption of international labour standards, create safe and adequate working conditions, intensify cooperation with other countries and international partners, achieve international solidarity, GTUC shall continue:


  1. Ratification by the Government of Georgia of the Conventions of International Labour Organisation (ILO) and other international treaties and agreements on labour issues.
  2. Increased awareness among international community on the developments of labour related issues in the country.

Civil Society and GTUC

GTUC aims to strengthen efforts to increase the role and importance of the trade union movement and achieve civil solidarity in the society, therefore it plans to:

Public Relations

Based on the importance of public image of the trade union movement, GTUC will:


  1. Raise awareness about trade union and promotion of GTUC image.

Solidarity Fund

Solidarity Fund will be established by GTUC. Solidarity Fund shall provide effective support to GTUC and mobilise resources for funding of special occasions, including strikes, certain damages etc. Special committee will be created to establish solidarity fund, determine the sources of funding and define relevant procedures of disbursement. Final decision shall be concluded by the Board of GTUC.

General Indicators for Program Assessment:

  1. Increase in the number of trade union affiliated members ( target rate 10% )
  2. Increase in the number of workers employed under collective agreements
  3. Number of legislative and subordinate normative acts adopted on behalf of GTUC or through its active participation
  4. Strengthening efficiency of the labor market in line with international labor standards.

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